How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast

Blackheads are unsightly, and it's only natural to want to get rid of them fast. Fortunately, you don't have to live with blackheads.

Since these are essentially pores that have become clogged with dirt, they're much easier to correct than regular pimples (which are infected pores). All you have to do is follow one of these three suggestions:

1. Go to a salon that offers facials. The aestheticians at salons are trained to extract and remove blackheads quickly and safely. Since blackheads are smaller than regular pimples, it's often difficult to get to them on your own.

Your aesthetician will use a bright light and a high-powered mirror to spot even the tiniest black blemishes on your face. She'll then remove them either by squeezing the dirt out with her fingers or by using a special extraction tool.

Of course, you'll have to pay for this service, but it can be quicker, easier, and more thorough than doing it yourself, especially if you have lots of tiny blackheads all over your nose and forehead.

2. Steam them open. Turn on your water faucet and get the water as steaming hot as you can stand it. Then, soak a wash cloth in the water. Squeeze out the excess, then apply the cloth to your blemish, pressing firmly for at least 10 minutes.

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